2 min readSep 25, 2018

Andela has come a long way but the values have never depreciated rather they have only improves.

Introducing Andela EPICity, I am sure it is the basis for the EPIC-tower. These are the core values of Andela. They are E-excellence, P-passion, I-integrity, C-collaboration and C-commitment.

The world of technology is vast. You have to understand that being the first is not all that matters. However setting the pace in excellence is worth gold. Excellence practice can never be overstated. It is a unique characteristics. I envy Andelans alot as I wish I was an Andelan. Allow me to mention an analogy.

Nigeria Television Authority was founded decades ago before Channels TV but since the emergence of Channels TV in the late 19th century, they have been undisputed as the best TV station in the country. Now that is excellence.

They do not just broadcast for the talk of it. They do it in the best way with the best attractive resources from the presenter on set to the engineers behind the set. Every thing comes with pure enlightenment and enjoyment for viewers.

I have seen the same from Andela, through Andelan friends especially.

I passionately believe a man could make babies without having passion for it and that is one purpose of living for any human being. But human beings are not supposed to live alone. Human beings are supposed to grow, which virtually can be through thorough effort on learning. For this growth, you need passion, you have to figure out if you are in for it or for just what you hear. Technology is very dynamic, new things come up almost every day. You are either in or out, to give up or continue improving, to get tired or keep being relevant and revered, to be a follower or a leader. It is either you have this passion or you go on to just making babies.

A round of applause for Andela for not taking integrity with levity. It is like saying trust no one except those who earn the trust by proving it. Without integrity being held as the winner of the bout in Andela, it would have consummated a lot of bugs which would discontinue her excellence and hammer her progress.

How would you cope with a lying beautiful girl. Lying is just the starting point of no integrity. Anyways its not just Andela. Beyonce and Shakira treated a beautiful liar.

